6 months break ➿ + Me in "urgency mode" 🔥- Lincoln Island's Journey

August, 2024.

Dear Reader,

I took a 6 months break from writing this newsletter, now I'm back at it to spark reflection, find opportunities to engage in conversation, and bring a sense of companionship along our entrepreneurial path.

Feel free to answer the following poll:

Urgency Mode

When I face a challenge, my mindset switches into an 'urgency mode,' summoning my strengths and piling up tactics. Recently, after a conversation with a friend, I realized that my strengths were defaulting to an old strategy, one that had worked in the past but not in recent years. My usual perspective didn't let me see that I was bravely and proactively setting myself up to fail.

This revelation is fascinating to me.

Think about it: you can use your best skills, go fearless, take action, and still fail. Wow!

After this realization, my friend helped me understand that to solve my challenge, I don't need to start from scratch. I always come up with new ideas, projects, or even businesses that could solve the current issue. Instead, I should begin with a clear definition of what I want to achieve and identify who can help me move in that direction.

To find what I wanted to achieve, I had to let aside the end result and focus on the things I do well, the activities I enjoy the most and that are capable of delivering the most value.

This subtle change in perspective alters my approach, making it feel more natural and effortless. It also allows me to leverage the advantages I've already gained. I took action and I'm already in the process of transofrming opportunities into customers.

One on one mentorship

I've been mentoring people for years, and now I'm turning that passion into something more structured. The debate between offering free mentorship and charging for it has often made me hesitant to fully commit. But this time, I'm doing things differently.

I’m offering one-to-one sessions without any strings attached, with limited slots available. Contributions are entirely optional—whether it’s through a donation or by volunteering your time to help me with tasks like translations, social media posting, or other areas you’re skilled in.

If you need someone to talk to or a fresh perspective on your challenges, I’m here for you:


If you are into Social Innovation you probably know SozialMarie. I have been directing, hosting and editing their podcast for a few months already. It is called Why Why Why?

I interview the teams that won the yearly competition and ask them: Why did they start? why are they successful? and why do they persist?

I'm also working on a personal project, I call it Life and Learnings of JAMC. I like the audio format very much, so in this podcast I record short reflections. Click on the images to check two of my favorites:

The Mystery of Letting Go Burnout

Interesting read

Do you know what is a Now Page? Do you know Derek Sivers?

Well, he is the author of many amazing books, writes very easy to read articles and now came up with the idea of Now Pages. Read more about it here.

In short a Now Page is a simple page where you say what are you doing now. Here is mine.

Last message

Think about being a force for integration, not division.

Our world is filled with opinions, polarized spectrums, and fights between different extremes. Why not making an effort to find solutions that integrate rather than divide?

I wish you a positive end of August!

Book Promo


Fear Enough

Deconstructing Fear and Understanding Failure
Digital Edition - ebook.​
​Your Guide to Fearless Living... Read more

Jose Antonio Morales

Consultant for Business Process Automation. Founder of Aurora Coworking in Slovenia. Life Entrepreneur. Author of Fear Enough. Mentor.

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