
Jose Antonio Morales

"Integrating the Metaverse, the Blockchain, and the ~bleep side~ of Entrepreneurship - Lincoln Island's Journey - Newsletter 02"

Published over 2 years ago • 3 min read

Tuesday 23, November, 2021.

Welcome to our November's message

I have to admit it, the recorded calls with Niko Klanšek and Domen Kert are fantastic! Honest, authentic, filled with knowledge and wisdom... and lots of fun. Domen's call is a video, Niko's is audio only. The links are at the bottom of this message. - Jose

We both, Jernej and I, wish this message finds a place in your heart and mind to grow. After reading this message, we hope you get new ideas or even make new decisions!

Jose & Jernej

Do you get new ideas and insight in the shower?

A few days ago, I brought speakers to the bathroom to play some nice loud music while showering. I asked Siri to shuffle my music library, and a few seconds later, I was singing River with Sarah McLachlan.

There is a part of the song where she sings, "I made my baby cry," and I couldn't resist the wish to cry as well - not that I'm Sarah's baby - but a river of emotions filled my throat and couldn't utter any discernible word, I just cried. I cried for no real reason.

What was that? What did happen?

After reflection, I found that we all have so much on us, so many reasons to feel sad. It is not only that we have to solve our own situations, but we are witnesses of massive suffering everywhere we look.

No matter how we decide to face our personal and collective challenges, no matter how we try to mask our sadness and frustrations, no matter what we choose to do, our emotions need a channel to flow. And most importantly, we need to create reasons for joy and connection.

That brings me to the topic of Integration

The easiest path is the one that excludes anyone or any concept that disagrees with our worldview. But after so many years of social media and polarization, we start to see that the easy path is creating more problems than solving. Tribalism doesn't work anymore.

So what can we do to move away from tribalism and become more inclusive? We can start by saying that we need to be:

  • Open to different opinions: we are not in a competition to see who is better or right.
  • Open to different worldviews: no one is entirely right, and that includes each one of us.
  • Open to what we dislike: even at extraordinary times, we can find something to dislike.
  • Open to our emotions and thoughts: they are just that, thoughts and emotions.

And Open means to accept.

We need to integrate what we perceive as different or opposite. Here is one way:

Think of two extreme opinions and put them as the start and end of a spectrum. Mark your position in relation to the extremes. Even if you are pretty close to an extreme, you will see that your opinion includes, on some level, the opposing one.

Dear friends, no matter what your opinion is, please do one thing: Create opportunities for you and your family to enjoy.

Let's surf the holiday season wave in the company of our families and friends; let's put aside our differences. We always smile at others when we feel happy.

Let's remain strong and united. Feel free to reach me out if you feel like talking with someone.

With love,


Watch on Youtube
Click on the image to watch the video.

The dark side of Entrepreneurship

In my conversation with Domen Kert, we talked about the dark side of entrepreneurship and how he deals with that to integrate it into a perfect path of personal development and as a vocation to support others. The video is filled with "aha moments" and bits of wisdom. Watch it clicking here.

Listen the interview

Is the Metaverse the new WWW?

In my conversation with Niko Klanšek, we talked about the Blockchain, the Metaverse, and how those technological tools opened the opportunity to cause damage but mostly are building the foundations to a better world. Once again, we can focus on the poles, but we can see the opportunities when integrating them. His knowledge and experience in the matter comes after years of research and practice, this is an opportunity for all of us. Listen to our conversation clicking here.

Listen the interview
Listen the interview clicking on Niko's photo :)

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Building an audience is an art we are trying to master. Please feel free to contact me and share your suggestions and comments.

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Thank you!

This newsletter is packed with lots of valuable and inspiring information. It is the result of many hours of work we are glad to do for each one of you. We truly wish this newsletter to bring different perspectives, connections, and meaning. Please share with us your opinions and suggestions.

Wishing you a positive week,

Jose & Jernej.

Jose Antonio Morales

Seasoned IT pro turned Social Entrepreneur and currently integrating into the creator's economy—author of Fear Enough, Deconstructing Fear and Understanding Failure. I'm the founder of Aurora Coworking and a firm believer in the power of freedom! Check it out:

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