
Jose Antonio Morales

Consultant for Business Process Automation. Founder of Aurora Coworking in Slovenia. Life Entrepreneur. Author of Fear Enough. Mentor.

Solving mental issues with the mind? There is a better...
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An error in my book! đź“• + A question that changes everything- Lincoln Island's Journey

September, 2024. Dear Reader, Do you believe that freedom is something we achieve or uncover? Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. ~ Rumi I’ve noticed that every challenge I want to resolve comes with a process and becomes a project—just one more project for this already busy life. Is it possible that some challenges or problems are meant to be left as they are, without resolution? The mistake in my...

A sense of urgency

August, 2024. Dear Reader, I took a 6 months break from writing this newsletter, now I'm back at it to spark reflection, find opportunities to engage in conversation, and bring a sense of companionship along our entrepreneurial path. Feel free to answer the following poll: Which topics are most interesting to you? Business, revenue generation, branding, org. culture Personal development and self reflection Entrepreneurship and freedom Urgency Mode When I face a challenge, my mindset switches...

February 21, 2024. Dear Reader, A couple of days ago, I had a conversation with a dear friend where we explored happiness and success. From our conversation, I worked on writing an article that could be relevant to entrepreneurs and independent people like you. In the journey of entrepreneurship, we often equate success with milestones and metrics—funding rounds, market shares, and profitability. But at what point in this journey do we pause and recognize that perhaps, our understanding of...

The new year starts tomorrow

December 12, 2023. Dear Reader, I have been scanning the internet for information that leads me to build an accurate base for predicting the coming year,2024. I checked from scientists, economists, astrologists, and pundits of all kinds. What I found is shocking! A new year starts every day. From a personal perspective, in 2024, the potential for suffering, having painful experiences, and getting stuck will increase compared to the last few years. Unless... ...You pause, reflect on your old...

December 12, 2023. Dear Reader, I must confess that I forgot to send you the newsletter at the end of November. So, I'll try to make this one value for two! November and December in one. I hope you like it. Thanks to AljaĹľ PrimoĹľiÄŤ and Davorin Kuhar for the conversations that inspired this article. Empowered entrepreneurs feel happy with their professional lives, according to Firefly AI. Do you know what you are good at? When I was about to celebrate my 40th birthday, I wasn't sure if I was...

Ratatujci with Mojca Mavec

November 2, 2023. What I learned from the TV masters The following is what I learned by participating in a TV program in one short phrase: The program's format is the key factor for success. Why is that important to you? I think it matters to anyone who cares about communicating effectively with a specific audience. Think about your customers, social media campaigns, team members, etc. Let me tell you more about what the format is: The format includes the branding, the scenario, the program's...

September 1, 2023. Rushing through the entrepreneurial time Our relationship with past, present, and future determines our quality of life. The entrepreneurial kind needs to pay attention to this especially. If you work today for a better future, you might ignore the results of your past efforts today. If you spend your days researching the past to understand what to do next, you might miss the current opportunities. Even more annoying: if we spend too much time projecting to the future or...

August 1, 2023. What does it take to become a true Entrepreneur? Freedom to decide. Can you choose freely if you inhabit a bubble? A bubble is a set of assumptions considered true. Those assumptions are taken for granted and become part of how we respond and react to our circumstances and environment. If I inhabit any particular bubble and cannot realize it, I will limit my decision-making to the assumptions I consider true. In contrast, if I know I'm in a bubble, I can challenge the...

What is at the base of a solid path of entrepreneurship?

July 5, 2023. The OS of Entrepreneurship An operating system (OS) is typically a collection of software programs that make a computer run and interact with its users. In other words, it is the foundation that supports the users to get the expected results. What would be the OS of Entrepreneurship? What do you need for your practice of entrepreneurship to bring the results you expect? I want to focus on the level of the individual. What are the OS components for an entrepreneur, freelancer, or...

Adventure is the spirit that helps us transcend Fear

May 5, 2023. My recent encounter with Fear I'm the one that talks about Fear, and just in the past few weeks, I faced Fear twice. I want to share one of the stories to show how Fear lurks in our personal development. You know I have been an IT professional for most of my life. Ten years ago, I decided to let go of the tech world and embrace Social Entrepreneurship. But recently, since I started talking about "integration," I got an opportunity to get back into the IT world. To make the story...